One day from work to home!

Going home after work is not so that easy when you are in India. The fully crowded bus with even no space around to even stretch your arms or legs, foul-mouthed people abusing whoever besides them, a faulty bus that showers in when it is raining, blah blah blah and it goes on.

Hey, I know I am in India, I have tolerance for everything like these. But you know, the workload at office, thoughts about the chores you have to do at your home and the toddler eagerly waiting to pull off my hair makes me sometimes intolerant and unbearable.

Nagercoil to Kozhiporvilai (near Thuckalay, TN, India) is not so far like a trip to the moon, but often it's like traveling to the outer space. Actually, I have to be onboard for approx. 17 km (think its easy?). It will be a 45 min journey.

One day I was getting home ready to board from Vadaseri. Just then I found the bus full. Perplexing whether to go on the bus standing, I saw a woman leaving off her seat as she saw another bus. I felt relaxed. Yipee I got a seat near the engine. I knew this place is not so better rather good.
I still managed to be happy with what I have. 

When people started boarding the bus one after the other, a woman approached me to share a seat with her. I felt hesitated (as I was tired) yet gave her a more than enough seat. She was not happy with it as I know. But for me understand, there are people over the engine and so I can't move my legs.

The unhappy woman beside me denounced me about the place she was given to another woman who was standing near her. She said, "Sitting at this seat is better than to stand". I know she was pointing out me. She has forgotten that I have given a place to her. She was not like when she asked me for a seat. I accept, humans forget. Buth these words have hurt me.

After a few more minutes, another lady came and sat on the engine. The woman near me had signed her about her state now. That woman was having a secret look at me and my place. She was trying to help that woman and never thought about me. She suddenly placed her hands at my seat and said, "There is place to move forward from the seat". She had no thought about where I could keep my legs too, as there is the wheel underneath that made a protrude-ment.

With so much difficulty that 45 min had passed, and I was about to get down when no one left me a way. I was one among the three who had to get down at that junction, the driver was in hurry too. I had to get down from the bus on the go, leaving all the other passengers to stare at me (because only men get down that way).

After all this trouble, I went to the vegetable shop on the way to my home (that was crowded too) to buy Raddish and coriander leaves. Phew, I was waiting for 5 min, a lady never left others to shop groceries until she left. There was also a man who stood blocking other's ways (it means he is to shop next). 

With a great sigh, I left the vegetable shop, thinking deeply, "Why do people have become so selfish? Why don't help others so that they can get something in return? and so on"

I reached home and said all these tough stories to my mother-in-law. She heard them and finally told me to make some 'chapatis.' 

(Pure Indian Routine Story)


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