Just simply boasting about my pets
Yippee! You love pets too? Me too! Small pets, large pets, wet pets, dry pets, hairy pets, hairless pets, thin pets, obese pets, and whatever and however the pets are, they are our besties. Now, let’s see how people like me fall in love with these pets. Dogs Of course we all love dogs, they are our best friend. A dog lover would think dog, play dog, and dream dog. Dogs were domesticated long ago. They have been part of our life since ancient times. There are 339 breeds of dogs and the figure may vary. Rottweilers are considered to be one of the most dangerous breeds. Border collie are intelligent breeds. From Great Dane to Chihuahua, the size that matters ranges from 3.8 inches to 2 feet 4 inches. Like you and I, dogs also have jobs- Hunting, Tracking, Working, Herding, Truffle sniffing, Water Rescue, Fighting, Guarding, Fishing, and Sleeping (Oops! certainly they it as an important job). Aww! His sparkling eyes I adore the most! Cats Ca...