Bible activities for kids

Jonah and the Whale

This is a Bible activity from my website

Materials Required:

  1. Paper
  2. Scissors
  3. Colour Pencils
  4. Sting
  5. Jonah praying image 
  6. Fish image 
  7. Glue
  8. A round container cap

Sample Jonah and Fish images for you to draw.

How to make it?

  1. Draw the images of Jonah and Fish.
  2. Color the fish blue and paint Jonah as per your imagination.
  3. Draw a circle using the round container cap with the help of a pencil.
  4. Cut out the circular shape.
  5. Now paste the Jonah Figure to the string.
  6. Let it dry for a while.
  7. Again paste the string with Jonah to the Fish's Top stomach.
  8. And there you go 'Jonah praying inside the fish's stomach'.

Hope you enjoyed this Bible activity!


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